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                   Connellsville Crossroads Magazine

The Connellsville Crossroads Magazine started in Spring 2009.  The Crossroads is published quarterly and covers a variety of topics relating to the history of the area, and current events. A subscription to the Connellsville Crossroads only costs $35 per year and covers postage.  To subscribe please mail a check for $35 to the Fayette County Cultural Trust; 139 West Crawford Avenue, Connellsville, Pennsylvania 15425.  Please mark in the memo section "Crossroads Subscription".

                                                           Instead of mailing a check please use the Donate with PayPal link below.

                                       If you pay by PayPal please send us an email confirming your address.

To subscribe to the Connellsville Crossroads Magazine, or renew your subscription please use the below  PayPal button.  The Connellsville Crossroads Magazine is an ad free magazine.  If this is a gift subscription please send a separate email  to us with the name and address of the subscription.

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