The official registration and financial information of Fayette County Cultural Trust may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
Non-Profit Partnership
Non-Profit Partnership "Together We Can Achieve Greater Things" is facilitated by MJ Callaway. Headed by the Fayette County Cultural Trust and partnered with the Learning Center, Connellsville Carnegie Free Library, Greater Connellsville Chamber of Commerce, Connellsville Community Ministries, Alternative Yes, Wesley Health Center, Highlands Hospital, Connellsville Redevelopment Authority, Connellsville Historical Society and community members that are engaged with helping the area move forward in a positive way.
We just had our last Non-Profit Partnership Better Together meeting for 2022. There are lots of Non-Profits in the Connellsville area that are doing great things. Everyone working together is the best way for Non-Profit organizations to succeed. Thank you to Renee from The Community Foundation of Fayette County for attending this meeting and doing all you do for Fayette County, and thank you to Mj Callaway for supporting us throughout the year with your positive approach for coaching and building better organizations.